D I S C O V E R   Y O U R   P A S S I O N

L I V E   Y O U R   D E S T I N Y

You are successful - and you are not sure you are as happy as you could be.

You have a fulfilling life - and you know there is something more.

You are creative and productive - and you know there is a sparkle and ecstasy available beyond the joy you have already experienced.

I am a successful British television producer and director - and, 18 years ago, I set off in search of my real destiny and true passion.

I have discovered that a large part of my destiny and passion is to create a safe space in which to help people find what really matters to them, what is truly at the heart of their heart and the heart of their mind, and how they most want to be of service to their world.

I have discovered that I have always done this, in some way or other, in the course of living my life.

I have discovered that, in the course of enjoyable, creative conversation, I have a talent for sparking understanding, knowing and enlightenment in people who are in search of the meaning in their lives .

I know where to look for the destiny you always planned for this lifetime - and I know where to find the passion that you brought with you to fulfill that destiny.

Your life can be even more beautiful, exciting and meaningful than you ever dreamed.

Contact me at MuchPassion@iHenry.com or leave a message on the voicemail at 1 . 206 . 350 . 0546 - And we can plan how we might have creative conversations in the course of which you can discover more of your true destiny - and uncover wonderful ways to live it with passion.

The cost of each creative conversation is usually $250. This pays for conversation of up to two and a half hours which can be all at one time or split into seperate conversations to be picked up as and when it seems to work best.

The accumulated 2½ hours can be enough to find the clues and open doors of exploration so that you can then continue on your own. More sessions of 2½ hours can follow, if you wish, over whatever period of time might be helpful.

Conversations are by phone or over tea and cakes. I currently live and work in Los Angeles.

You may schedule a 20 minute phone session free of charge to do some preliminary exploration and for us both to see if a longer session is likely to be fruitful.

Get in touch at
or leave a message on the voicemail at
1 . 206 . 350 . 0546

H E N R Y  M U R R A Y

D I S C O V E R   Y O U R   P A S S I O N   -   L I V E Y O U R   D E S T I N Y